07.93.02  Skógur - skjól og skipulag

(Landscape and shelterwood)
(2ja eininga valáfangi)
Kennari: Dr. Alexander Robertson, M.Sc., D.Phil. (Oxon)

 Markmið:     This course focus on methods for observing the biological and physical features of the landscape for the actual and potential effects of climate & weather on shelterwood (notably wind & snow) and to show the value of how these affect shelterwoods design and effectiveness..

Lýsing: This is a highly visual course based on illustrations of influence of climate and weather such as visualization of turbulence, especially features most responsible for wind-shaped shelterwoods and natural forests in Iceland and Newfoundland. Little-known techniques for observing and quantifying directional influences on landscape patterns and woodlands will be demonstrated: such as  biophysical indicators of wind & snow, the application of circular statistics to directional effects of climate, fractal geometry as a measure of roughness and the value of roughness in forest and shelterwood design, and some examples of the application chaos models to the ecodynamics of wind-shaped forests. Students assignments will include field tours to observe the climate and weather effects in local landscape and carry out dry-ice experiments to model and describe the merits of their own landscape designs. Examination will be based on the a written report on landscape influences and shelterwood design.

Kennsluáætlun: The lectures and practice will be held at Nýji Skóli  from 13:00 to 17:00 in the afternoon.

In the beginnig it will be some outdoors practice / excursions in the neighbourhood

sjá einnig: http://www.hvanneyri.is/landbunadur/wglbh.nsf/key2/ssir645flh.html